Tooth Extraction

More Information About Tooth Extractions

While we can replace damaged and missing teeth with dental implants, we strive to help preserve as many natural teeth as possible. Unfortunately, people are not always as motivated to take care of their teeth. When people begin to notice an oral health issue, they will not necessarily seek treatment right away and let the condition worsen.

In the cases where the tooth is damaged or infected beyond repair, we will recommend a tooth extraction. At Wright Dentures and Implants, we can help to ease the pain a tooth or several teeth are causing a patient by removing the tooth. Our team has the tools and professional experience to remove teeth with the goal of improving the patient’s oral health.

If you are experiencing pain or are worried you may need a tooth extraction, give us a call and schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Benefits of Tooth Extraction

There are multiple reasons for pulling teeth beyond damage and infection. Even if people need a tooth extraction, they will avoid seeking treatment until it is unavoidable. However, we have the tools to help numb the patient’s mouth, so they do not feel any pain. Benefits of pulling teeth include:

  • Relieving pain from a damaged tooth
  • Preventing infection from spreading to other areas of the mouth
  • Making space in a mouth with too many teeth by removing a few
  • Preventing a damaged tooth with exposed enamel from getting infected
  • Removing an impacted tooth that cannot break through the gum

With a tooth extraction, we can prevent oral health issues that can hinder development and crucial functions such as eating or speaking. If the patient has a damaged or infected tooth, the pain will only get worse until they seek treatment. With tooth extractions, we can relieve pain and prevent other oral health issues from occurring.

With excess teeth, patients will struggle from overcrowding. Overcrowding occurs when there are too many teeth in the mouth. This can cause alignment issues, pain and crooked teeth. By removing one or several of the excess teeth, we can help relieve pain while allowing the patient to continue using the other natural teeth. In many cases, the patient does not need the teeth we remove.

The Extraction Process

Before we begin a tooth extraction, we will need to review the patient’s medical history, current condition, allergies, insurance and any other pertinent information. Once we gather this information and examine the patient’s teeth, we will determine if they are candidates for a tooth extraction. After scheduling an appointment for the extraction, we will go over any other factors the patient needs to know.

If the tooth or teeth are causing the patient pain, we may need to begin the extraction right away. The patient does not have to worry about any pain during the procedure since we will numb the patient’s mouth. While they may feel some pressure, there will not be the pain people might expect when having teeth pulled.

We will then extract the tooth or teeth with various dental tools and techniques. If the tooth is underneath the gums or impacted, we will need to cut open the area above the tooth first. When removing wisdom teeth or impacted teeth, we may use stronger forms of anesthesia to help the patient relax and not feel anything. After removing the tooth, we will close up the tissue of that socket.

Follow-up Care

Following the procedure, the numbing or anesthetic will wear off fairly quickly. The socket of the extracted tooth will form a blood clot after the extraction. We will then apply gauze to help the clot form. The main goal with follow-up care after a tooth extraction is to prevent infection. Methods for preventing infection and helping relieve soreness include:

  • Taking some painkillers to help ease discomfort
  • Avoid rinsing the mouth or spitting forcefully
  • Do not drink from a straw
  • Do not eat hard or solid foods right away
  • Apply an ice pack to the area for 10 minutes at a time to decrease any swelling
  • Take it easy and relax for at least a day
  • Avoid the extraction site when brushing and flossing the other teeth

In most cases, any soreness will only last a day or two after the procedure. Patients need to ease into their regular diet by starting with soft foods the first night like soup, pudding, applesauce, etc. If you think you need a tooth extraction or have not seen the dentist in over six months, give us a call and schedule an appointment today.

Dr. Brian Jenkins

Published by
Dr. Brian Jenkins

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